
Bourbon Coffee

Address: 1815 Mass Ave
T-Stop: Porter
Neighborhood: North Cambridge
Wifi: 2 free hours with purchase
Hours: MF 6-10; S/S 7-10

Although Bourbon’s generic exterior and careful layout is reminiscent of a mediocre coffee chain, this was definitely among my top picks, mainly for its taste, convenience and values.  True to its tagline “naturally crop to cup,” each of Bourbon’s three US locations (DC, Cambridge and New York) directly imports five distinct Bourbon Arabica coffee blends from five different coffee-growing regions in Rwanda.  At $2.13 my exceptionally fresh and sophisticated 12 oz. brew was basically a steal, likely the best I’ve tasted yet.  I found the indigenous African artwork and crafts to be much more subtle and fitting than other coffeeshops’ gloating “fair trade” ads and photographs.  With several nooks and tons of room to spread out, Bourbon is an ideal spot for an interview or meeting; a group can easily work on a project here without bothering other busy customers.  I definitely recommend stopping in (en route to Berry Line?) to at least try their incredible coffee!